A functional education* device for healthy growth!

Logo appareil goutière
Logo guide langue
A tongue guide so the tongue rests against the roof of the mouth
Logo gouttière
A double splint to contribute to proper dental growth and ease breathing through the nose
Logo lip bumpers
Bumpers to muscle the lips

Bumpers to muscle the lips

A tongue guide so the tongue rests against the roof of the mouth

A double splint to contribute to proper dental growth and ease breathing through the nose
Logo appareil goutière

A functional education* device for healthy growth!

A tongue guide so the tongue rests against the roof of the mouth
Logo guide langue
Logo appareil goutière
Bumpers to muscle the lips
Logo lip bumpers
A double splint to contribute to proper dental growth and ease breathing through the nose
Logo gouttière

*a medical device used in the framework of treatment prescribed by your practitioner

When to wear it ?

During the day

While watching television
Using the computer
(calmly) Playing console
Doing homework
During transport
Listening to music, during journeys or any quiet moment of the day.

At night

It must be worn all night.
At first, patients may lose their device during the night.
In this case, day wear must be intensified to memorize the proper functional practices.
In the case of an Exerlangue® : Beware ! This device is not to be worn at night.
Logo bulle se sent cool en se levant

During the day

While watching television, using the computer, (calmly) playing console, reading, doing homework, during transport, listening to music, during journeys or any quiet moment of the day.

Logo bulle a sommeil

At night

It must be worn all night. At first, patients may lose their device during the night. In this case, day wear must be intensified to memorize the proper functional practices. In the case of an Exerlangue® : Beware ! This device is not to be worn at night.
Logo Bull montrant un appareil

Now, discover….

The exercises