What is the functional education ?

Whereas “mechanical” or “traditional” orthodontics (braces and brackets) move teeth into alignment,
by addressing
Functional education (also called functional orthodontics) supports children’s overall growth* and enables:

– Improved facial aesthetics
– Reduced treatment time of traditional orthodontics
– Avoiding later tooth extraction
– Improved functions (breathing, swallowing, chewing)
– Avoiding tooth fracture
– An improved stability of teeth in the long-term

Thanks to functional education, growing- up is as easy as pie !*
*The French National Authority for Health (HAS) recommends screening, diagnostic and treatment of children from the age of 3


Diapositive 1
Bulle mesurant sa taille

The winning trio for healthy growth !

It is no coincidence that some children have crooked teeth, are noisy eaters or lisp…

It is no coincidence that some children have crooked teeth, are noisy eaters or lisp…

Teeth evolve in an environment which includes the

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It helps with speaking, swallowing, chewing and remains active throughout the day.

It should rest against the roof of the mouth to foster the development of the dental arches.

The right way to breathe is through the :


It warms, humidifies and filters the air.

Breathing through the nose contributes to the proper development of your child.

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Keep the mouth closed and cover the teeth.

Sealed lips favour proper dental balance and encourage breathing through the nose.

Breathing through your NOSE, keeping a high-TONGUE posture and sealed LIPS assures proper ventilation of the body and a healthy dental environment.
It is also the beginning of everyday well-being.

Diapositive 1
Bulle qui se concentre

Concentrating well,
sleeping well, playing well, growing well…

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